Oct 1, 2008

Uruguay Carnival - Beauties

Uruguay Carnival - Beauties on a Binge

Walk up to your average Indian brother on the street and ask him if he has heard of a place called Uruguay. The chances are that you might be met by a dazed expression that will hit you right in the centre of the solar plexus.

Show him then a picture of the 'Llamadas' festival in that beautiful country (llama what?), parading one of its even more beauteous female citizens revealed in all her glorious native beauty. This he will understand.

When he has managed to dislodge his tongue from his palate, you might see him rush into the nearest bookstore to buy a world map and brush up on his geography. If he rushes on from there to the airport to buy a one-way ticket out of the country, even better.

These women are to be seen to be believed. So what are you waiting for?